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PDR Cost Estimate Calculator - Quick Dent Removal

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πŸ“ƒ Page Topics:πŸ‘‰ To Browse Your Topic Click On One Of The Following Links.  πŸ”— PDR Cost Estimate Calculator     πŸ”— How To Use This Tool     πŸ”— PDR Estimate Amounts Summarizer     πŸ”— Panel Location     πŸ”— Calculator Terms of Use    πŸ”— PDR Calculator    πŸ”— Estimate Amounts Summarizer    πŸ”— How Dent Repair Prices Are Determine    πŸ”— How To Measure Dent Size & Depth "Have  A Great Browsing Day!"


Ensuring A Better Customer Experience!
Our Online PDR Cost Estimate Calculator Is Available To Anyone Requiring A Fast, Free Of Charge, On The Spot Paintless Dent Repair Estimate.


Estimate The Damage on The First Panel
Locate the first "PDR CALCULATOR" on this page.
This tool is designed to assess damage one panel at a time. Begin by selecting the Calculator, then complete all the required information. It's important to note that the accuracy of the estimate relies on your selections, so ensure you choose the right options for a better result. After completing the required input, the tool will show the Total amount, Taxes, and Grand total below. If your estimate is only for a single panel, you don't need to take any further actions. Simply review the displayed estimated information.

Follow these instructions:

Dent Size Selection:
- Locate the "Dent Size" section on the calculator.
- In the selection box, choose the size of the dent, you may select from (up-to 3/4" dent size to 32").

Additional Charges Selection:
- Below the "Dent Size" section, find three additional selection boxes. If applicable, select up-to three add-on charges, one option per box.
- Example: If your vehicle panels are made with aluminium, select "Aluminum Panel - Add 50%" a 50% add-on charge will be added to the total amount.
-  Choose only additional charges that may apply to your estimate.

Total Price Display:
- Once you have made all the required selections the total price, including taxes, will be displayed at the bottom of the form.
- Note: If you require additional panels to be estimated? Follow the steps below.

To Estimate The Damage on Additional Panels
If you need to estimate the damage on two or more panels, for example (Rear Door, Front Door, and Fender), follow these instructions
Assuming you have completed your first estimate, and you have a second panel or more to estimate.

Follow these steps:
After completing your first panel estimate, copy & paste, or manually enter the "Grand Total Amount" into the "PDR ESTIMATE AMOUNTS SUMMARIZER".
1 - Select the estimated panel location from the selection box "1 - Choose Damage Location" (this step is to identify the panel in question. It is optional)
2 - Enter estimated Grand Total Amount to the input box "1 - Enter First Panel Amount" (this step is to identify the panel in question. It is optional)
3 - Repeat these steps from above for all panels to be estimated.
4 - Once all entries are done click on the "Calculate Total" button and the total of all estimated panels will display below the button

Note: Remove And Install Charges May Apply


Calculate Total

Estimate Amounts Summary:
- Locate the "Estimate Amounts Summary" section.
- Select & choose the name of the estimated panel from the Selection Boxes from 1 to 6 ("1  - Choose Damage Location").
- Copy & paste or manually enter the total amounts from all "Estimates" into the corresponding fields.

Calculate Total:
- Click on the  "Calculate Total" button and it will automatically add up the total, displayed below the button.

- Review the estimated amounts and make any necessary adjustments.
- Once satisfied, you have the total cost estimate for the selected dent size and additional damages across three car sections.

Additional Notes:
- Ensure to use the correct units and details when making selections in each estimate section.
- Double-check the accuracy of the dent size and additional damage selections to get an accurate estimate.

By following these instructions, you should be able to efficiently utilize the calculator to estimate repair costs for various car sections.

Panel Location

In Case You Need Help Identifying The Panels On Your Vehicle By Name
Prior to using this Calculator Tool.
Please read the "Terms of Use". Click the link above.


Calculate Up to Six Panels!
You can utilize the 'SUMMARIZER' below.

P1: Dent Location

P1: Dent Size

P1: Dent Type

P1: Bodyline Dent

P1: Additional Dents up-to 1"

P1: Additional Charges

Subtotal: $0.00

Tax (13%): $0.00

Total Repair Cost: $0.00


Estimate 1 - Repair Cost

Estimate 2 - Repair Cost

Estimate 3 - Repair Cost

Estimate 4 - Repair Cost

Estimate 5 - Repair Cost

Estimate 6 - Repair Cost

Total: $0.00


Hood Dent Repair - How Dent Repair Prices Are Determine

Joe The Bodyman uses a methodical and systematic approach when determining dent repair prices. The four main factors affecting the cost of any dent repair, are size, depth, location, and tool access to the back of the dent. Dent size or diameter will often be miscalculated, as we tend to see the core or deepest portion of the dent. Predominantly, the outside diameter will be evaluated by measuring the core as well as any outside distortions around the depth of the dent.

We can see in this example that the dent diameter is much larger than just the core of the dent. To remove all traces of the dent, the technician must work the core as well as the outlying areas. This is why it's important to analyze the extent of all damage to notice any hard-to-see distortion beyond the dented area.

How To Measure Dent Size & Depth

How To Measure Dent Size & Depth - Hood Dent Sample

To properly measure the diameter, it's important that the vehicle is not in the direct sunlight as the glare will reduce the reflection visibility

  • Shade the damaged area from the sunlight, by using an umbrella, or you may find something else around the house that serves the purpose.

  • Measuring the dent is simple. you can use a ruler or a measuring tape, just follow the example above by measuring the the green circle around the dent.

  • To measure the dent sharpness, analyze the reflection on the bottom of the dent, as it allows us to determine exactly how sharp and/or stretched the metal is. This factor directly affects the amount of labour and difficulty in repairing the dent.

  • Location and access are other factors determining the repair cost. Since open access areas will not be obstructed by bracing or double-thickness metal. They are typically easier to repair but still may need removal and installation of certain components to have tool access to the back of the damage.

  • Dents on panel areas that are obstructed by braces glue, sound deadening, or intrusion beams are additionally more difficult to repair and will require more labour. Dents located in double thickness metal are the most difficult to repair and require special tools and techniques dents located on body style lines or contours are even more difficult to repair and will require additional labour.

β€œConventional Dent Repair”
If the damage on your vehicle does not qualify for a Paintless Dent Repair. You can always use our online Auto Body & Paint Cost Estimate Calculator for a conventional dent repair cost. Click on the link above to go there.

Service Hours: Monday to Friday 9:am - 6:pm
Office Hours By Appointment Only
647 806-0107
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